3 years ago, i had a boyfriend; we were only 16 and we were just kidz who just fell inlove with each other. I met him, when he started to work next my house, i mean there was a chat room next my house, so i always was seeing everyday. At first, he didn´t look like he was 16, i mean he was tall, strong, a tan like skin, light brown hair, and he was always wearing a pair of slipers, those who scubadivers wear. My older sister made fun of him everytime she could, cuz for her, he was just a lazy guy. But not for me; i saw something else on this guy, something different...and i liked him a lot.He told me he had a girlfriend in that time, but he didn´t look like he had one, in fact, he just looked like he liked me as well, and that he liked to spend some time with me. So, as days were passing by, we were more and more friendz, until one night, he went to my house and said: my girlfriend broke up with me, and she sent me to hell. I just laughed about it, and asked him why. He just said that she didn´t wanna be with him anymore and that she was wasting time with him around. So, we were looking at each other, and then he had to leave but before that, he made some kind of weird sign that meant: I LOVE YOU. I had a smile on my face and then, like a month later, he asked me to be his girlfriend, of curz said yes(duh). On the first month, we were kissing, cuddling, holding, and saying i love u stuff...and then...and then, something happened...he started to be distant and i kinda worried about him and then, when he acted like he didn´t care, i warned him that i´d brake up with him if he he was still acting like he gave a damn. He just said that it was fine for him and i hunged up so hard, that i wanted to explode, but then, i felt free, i felt like everything will be fine for now on...and it was like that...sometimes, i had the feeling that he would call me and ask for forgiveness, but that never happened, i just had some fake hopes on him. And then, i forgot about him, about us, about what we could´ve been....and i started to grow up, to be more mature, to smile and be happy, to care about my stuff more, to talk to my frenz about everything. And it worked, u know? It did. Even though, i met some guys and liked some of them, or dated some of them, i feel like there´s more beyond. That the one will come to my life very soon, and then..he´ll be the one who´s gonna stay and never leave...