Today is a new day; forget about the past and dont worry about the future too much; just live the present and face every hard situation that comes along with something good. At least that´s what i think everytime that something seems to be slipping out of my hands :) so, yesterday , i had a job interview and they tested me, to check if im good at fast typing, and i guess i did it well, so im waiting for them to call me, so cross your fingers mates, cuz i think, im gonna get this job for good. New stuff: for the record, there´s a new tv show on CW, called Vampire Diaries( yeah, another love sucking blood story about two vampires, who are brothers and fall inlove with the same girl, who actually reminds them of the girl they both loved once, but chose only one of them) as usual, one of them is Stephan Salvatore, the young one, who´s nice, sweet and tries to resist Helena´s blood; on the other side, there´s Damon Salvatore, the old one, who´s evil and does anything to accomplish his desires. The thing is they fall inlove with her, and fight for her heart..and blood...is pretty good and sometimes i watch it, but sometimes i get to the point where i think that producers, and script writers, and also directors should think in another way to catch audience´s atention. I mean! c´mon, use your imagination, and create a show that no one has ever seen before and they feel like they wanna watch it over and over. But for now, im gonna watch this show, and in spite of im tired of blood sucker, forbbiden love, and eternity, at least, it helps to forget about my past and dont worry about my future :)