Ok...here´s the thing: i was all screwed up today for the teacher who made me feel like i was the only one who had the fault; but even if i had it, it wasn´t all by me, my classmates had the fault as well..i wanted to cry, and i did, but in silence, in the back seat of my father´s car, where no one, but only God could hear me...i wanted to let go, wanted to scream, wanted to be hugged and be told that everything was gonna be ok...i wanted for once, for tonight only, to be with my best frendz and tell me that it happens all the time..cuz it really does. Have u ever had the feeling that something is crushing you inside? That you feel like everything´s over and you don´t wanna get up again? Well, i felt that tonight, and let´s add a crappy grade too!! How about that dudes?? When i got home, i ran to my mum and cried, she sat me on her lap and hugged me and said what´s wrong? When i told her, she said: "You´re not alone; remember the Only One who´s with you in the crummy times, cuz if you hold onto strong enough and have faith, He will never ever let you go, just keep going, keep trying and if she says no, well, that´s when you have to try even harder.." and i smiled and said this is what i needed...Not only God and my mum who make me keep moving foward, also Meredith and Optimus with their inspiring quotes..so yeah, i´ll keep going..even if the world ends today, even if i fail every test, even if they deny my requests, i´ll keep going..cuz faith can move mountains..faith keeps you going..faith can also heal your deepest wounds...faith...is the only thing left when there´s nothing else..cuz it keeps you going..it makes you see, that someday..you´ll notice that trying hard, risk everything worths much more that doing nothing at all...