another day, another..whatever! i couldn´t stop thinking about a manga i just read in one day(17 chapters and still there are left.. im waiting for the next chapters to see what will happen), its called Doubt, and its about a famous game that japanese use to play; Rabbit Doubt: in the game, there are several people who are rabbits, and one of them is the wolf in disguise; the wolf starts to kill and eat all the rabbits one by one, and the rabbits must find out wich one of them is the wolf, otherwise, it´ll kill them all; if they find out, they win, but if they make a mistake, they end up eaten by the wolf. with that story the manga starts, but everything changes when one of them is dead, and they must find out whos the wolf among them..so, i couldnt sleep at all, so i decided to listen some music and made me feel relaxed and i could go back to sleep again..wuajaja..
so, other news: classes start tomorrow and i sooo dont wanna go cuz on these past weeks ive been ok, staying at home and hanging around(thats right Erard, i dont wanna goo), but on the other hand, im gonna start photography classes soon and guitar lesson(if i can find the teacher jejeje)..there´s nothing new, except that ive become funnier and dunno why, but its kinda cool and some of my frendz luv it and lmao..i suppose that this year will be really exciting after all... :)