Once upon a time, in a veryyyy far away kingdom, there was a very pretty princess. But, there was a curse upon her, and the curse was that she had poison in her lips; if she kissed the wrong man, she would die.The days were passing by, and there wasn´t any man who dared to kiss her, or to intend to do it.
So the court hired an old wise wizard to find a powerful and magical cure to save the princess from her torturous destiny...but secretly, he was a young wizard, and he fell inlove with her. So deeply, that he didn´t sleep just to find a way to be with her, even though she didn´t kiss him at all, even though she get married someone else...
Years passed by, and no cure has been found...but neither of both of them knew, that he was the man who could break the curse, and she was the woman who could make him happy and take him out of his everlasting lonileness...