Monday, December 22, 2008

Dazzle me... here, writing, thinking or maybe i dont wanna think at all...i just wanna let go and follow the flow. je, guess it´d be better if i do that; so, i just came from movies, and i saw Quantum of Solace, wich was pretty awesome and i watched with my brother and when we came out, i saw my frend Ron(no, not Ron Weasley jejeje), and i hugged him and he started to make jokes and to laugh, and then we started to tease each other!! wuajajaja!! anywayz, after that i went where my frendz were and we talked, took pics and make jokes, and they asked about him and of curz i told them that we are just good frendz and nothing else! we´re very close, but if he wants something more than that: he has to take the first step and i will follow..but until now, we cant..too much stuff between..looks like an impossible path to reach..uff...

"Kami, koe, kuchi, yubisaki he todoke..ima dake demo ii.." Aluto, Michi to you all

(listening "Oto no Ha", by UVERworld..they just dazzle me..)

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