Looking beyond from where i was supossed to look..
if there´s a sunset or a sunrise or even better, a night with full moon, there i am, watching in silence, and thinking about many stuff, people, past memories, and deepest treasures that i´ve found on my way..guess that when im all alone i sit on the floor and look up, and there it is...the moon, the shiny and beautiful, the mystical moon that embraces me, that is so overwhealming that i can fly towards it and touch it with my fingers...and i like the way i feel sometimes, cuz it helps to know what wanna and my biggest goals so i never give up and moving foward...i guess this is just the beggining of many adventures...
(listening "Zero no Kotae", by UVERworld, ahhh!! i luv them and they rock my world and sockz as well wuajajaja!!)
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