ok, many great things happened this week: first, im gonna start a little practice job with my frend´s mum in a criminal office, she says that many cases come up and many people go to complain about domestic violence and stuff, and its gonna be fun!!!(cuz i luv crime, blood, murders....ok, sorry). second: my frend borrowed 3 fantastic books that im gonna read right away no matter what; third: im gonna go jogging(again!!), cuz i need energy to this new practice job and i dont wanna fall asleep or get tired; fourth: for those who havent heard about The Kooks, this is your chance! its a brittish band who sings the famous song She moves in her own way(Gosh! i luv that song and Seaside too!!), so, i leave you the link and enjoy this fantastic and funny music, i mean they mix some pop with rock, and they dress so cool...so, wish me luck tomorrow morning!!!! muaz
Hey, suerte con tu trabajo!... lo harás bien, ponte en eso!
Llevate tu Gatorade para que no te de un yeyo corriendo...
felicitaciones por tus nuevos proyectos, me encanta que la gente se ponga objetivos y los cumpla NO MATTER WHAT, un abrazo grande
the kooks are one of my fav. they are amazing.
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