Music is the center of the universe..or that´s what i think, i guess :) i believe that there´s a different kind of music for all of us. To make us feel free, to make us be whoever we wanna be, to be random and laugh for no reason, to evaesdrop our own secrets, to take risks, to do things that we woulnd do before and now we are capable to do cuz we have some faith in ourselves. Music moves the world, it makes it go round and round over and over and we find something new in our way. Everytime that i play my favorite songs, or when i listen some music that i like, i smile and laugh and start to fly to some other place that i´ve never been before, and think: man!! geez!! this is exactly what i needed in first place!! wuajajaja so..play some music, dance if u feel like it, scream out loud enough so people know that you´re happy for no reason, that music is saving your soul, that makes the demons go away, that u can believe in love again, that u can trust without fear to have a broken heart, that ur frendz matter more than anything in ur world...that for the 1st time in ur life, u dont need reasons to be happy for once...
Love music!! U can play everything...If U want to help is gonna be much better...
Saludos!!! Nice is your place girl :)
la musicaa e lo masimoo ! XD
All Fall Down-- One Republic ;) te la recomiendo!
Music is therapy. There is music for every emotion you can think of.
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