Everyday, every morning, more than 5 billion of people, wake up with something in their heads; thinking about what are they gonna do today, wich clothes to wear, wich words to say. But what they dont know is that there are some things that may change their day. Some things unplanned, some things that come to surprise some part of their lives, maybe for better, or for worse. Me, for example, im a particular case; i always wake up with something, or even better, with a picture of someone, or some dream im thinking about. And i always imagine that im gonna do something different, or finally im gonna talk to the guy in my class who i suspect hates me for some non sense reason; or that im gonna take some risk and finally lay down my guards and defenses and be the person im supossed to be. But sometimes, it doesnt happen just like that, what im trying to say is that WE can change our days, WE can change the courses of our lives, WE can decide what to do, what to say, even wich clothes to wear, but most important, WE can decide if we´re gonna stand up and make a difference, or sit and look around without doing nothing at all. So, its up to us; its our choices what really make us who we are; and also, its our choices who change our days, lives, and even can change the people who are next to us..for better, or for worse...
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