Last week, i watched Batman: The Dark Knight, and i luved when The Joker spoke about how he got the scars, wuajajaj so funny!!! also, when he said the phrase: "Y´know, madness is like gravity, all you need is a little push", when he explains to Batman, how he turned, Harvey Dent, Gotham´s White Knight, into Harvey Two Faces. i also couldnt believe how a maniatic like him would say those words just like that, and i found the truth on them, without even knowing. so, i let you another of The Joker´s magnifique quote and you´re free to say what you think:
"I believe whatever doesn´t kill, simply makes you...strange"
PD: 10 days left to departure!!!!!!! im sooo anxious!!!!!! =)
Este Jocker fué muy diferente al original pero le vino bien el cambio. Esa filosofía de vida del personaje encajó perfectamente.
bastante!! figurate que me impresiono mucho y a veces me preguntaba en que momento estaba cuerdo, y en que momento no.
Hmmm, ke puedo decir...
Ya lo dije en mi blog hace tiempo:
delen un ojo
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